I am trying to customize my uitable in MATLAB using java. However, I need to get the java handle using findjobj but I keep getting this error:
??? Undefined function or method 'findjobj' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Here is my code:
mtable= handles.uitable1;
jTable = mtable.getTable;
I know that I am passing a number such as: handles.dataTable = 3.0205
but that's the same thing I have seen in other posts....I also tried passing the get(handles.uitable1) but it gives me a similar error saying its an struc array...
Please HELP!
Type which findjobj
in your command window. It will likely return "'findjobj' not found." The function findjobj
is not a built-in function. It is user-contributed function available on the Mathworks File Exchange: FindJObj - find java handles of Matlab graphic objects.