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Failing in Code coverage Test with a simple class constructor

I have a class:

 public class SourceServerProvider : ISourceServerProvider
        private readonly ISourceServer _sourceServer;
        public SourceServerProvider()
            :this(new SourceServer())
        { }

        public SourceServerProvider(ISourceServer sourceServer)
            _sourceServer = sourceServer;

MS code coverage test complaints to this block:

public SourceServerProvider()
            :this(new SourceServer())
        { }

I don't know how to write a unit test for above block. Please advise..


  • I just tested it with the followig code:

    public class SourceServerProvider : ISourceServerProvider
    private readonly ISourceServer _sourceServer;
    public SourceServerProvider()
        : this(new SourceServer())
    { }
    public SourceServerProvider(ISourceServer sourceServer)
        _sourceServer = sourceServer;
    public interface ISourceServer
    public class SourceServer : ISourceServer
    public interface ISourceServerProvider

    and wrote this test

    public class Class1
        public void test()
            var a = new SourceServerProvider();

    Code Coverage says it is fully covered: here

    so please add the result you are getting or create asimple test that call the default ctor