Search code examples

Multi-Column, Multi-Row PIVOT

Consider that I have a table which contains data in the following form:

Foo_FK  MonthCode_FK  Activity_FK  SumResultsX  SumResultsY
1       201312        0            10           2
1       201312        1            5            1
1       201401        0            15           3
1       201401        1            7            2
2       201312        0            9            3
2       201312        1            1            2
2       201401        0            6            2
2       201401        1            17           4

For my purposes, it is safe to assume that this table is an aggregation which would have been created by a GROUP BY on Foo_FK, MonthCode_FK, Activity_FK with SUM( ResultsA ), SUM( ResultsB ) to obtain the data, making Foo_FK, MonthCode_FK, Activity_FK unique per record.

If for some reason I found it preferable to PIVOT this table in a stored procedure to ease the amount of screwing around with SSRS I'd have to do ( and undoubtedly later maintain ), wishing to get the following format for consumption via a matrix tablix thingy:

Foo_FK  1312_0_X  1312_0_Y  1312_1_X  1312_1_Y  1401_0_X  1401_0_Y  1401_1_X  1401_1_Y  
1       10        2         5         1         15        3         7         2
2       9         3         1         2         6         2         17        4

How would I go about doing this in a not-mental way? Please refer to this SQL Fiddle at proof I am likely trying to use a hammer to build a device that pushes in nails. Don't worry about a dynamic version as I'm sure I can figure that out once I'm guided through the static solution for this test case.

Right now, I've tried to create a Foo_FK, MonthCode_FK set via the following, which I then attempt to PIVOT ( see the Fiddle for the full mess ):

SELECT  Foo_FK = ISNULL( a0.Foo_FK, a1.Foo_FK ),
        MonthCode_FK = ISNULL( a0.MonthCode_FK, a1.MonthCode_FK ),
        [0_X] = ISNULL( a0.SumResultX, 0 ),
        [0_Y] = ISNULL( a0.SumResultY, 0 ),
        [1_X] = ISNULL( a1.SumResultX, 0 ),
        [1_Y] = ISNULL( a1.SumResultY, 0 )
FROM (  SELECT  Foo_FK, MonthCode_FK, Activity_FK, 
                SumResultX, SumResultY
        FROM    dbo.t_FooActivityByMonth
        WHERE   Activity_FK = 0 ) a0
        SELECT  Foo_FK, MonthCode_FK, Activity_FK, 
                SumResultX, SumResultY
        FROM    dbo.t_FooActivityByMonth
        WHERE   Activity_FK = 1 ) a1
    ON  a0.Foo_FK = a1.Foo_FK;

I have come across some excellent advice on this SO question, so I'm in the process of performing some form of UNPIVOT before I twist everything back out using PIVOT and MAX, but if there's a better way to do this, I'm all ears.


  • It seems that you should be able to do this by applying unpivot to your SumResultX and SumResultY columns first, then pivoting the data:

    ;with cte as
      select Foo_FK, 
        col = cast(MonthCode_FK as varchar(6))+'_'
                +cast(activity_fk as varchar(1))+'_'+sumresult, 
      from dbo.t_FooActivityByMonth
      cross apply
          ('X', SumResultX),
          ('Y', SumResultY)
      ) c (sumresult, value)
    select Foo_FK, 
      [201312_0_X], [201312_0_Y], [201312_1_X], [201312_1_Y],
      [201401_0_X], [201401_0_Y], [201401_1_X], [201401_1_Y]
    from cte
      for col in ([201312_0_X], [201312_0_Y], [201312_1_X], [201312_1_Y],
                  [201401_0_X], [201401_0_Y], [201401_1_X], [201401_1_Y])
    ) piv;

    See SQL Fiddle with Demo