I have a list of some input values, of which the first couple of mandatory and the last couple optional. Is there any easy way to use tuple unpacking to assign these to variables, getting None if the optional parameters are missing.
a = [1,2]
foo, bar, baz = a
# baz == None
ideally a could be any length - including longer than 3 (other items thrown away).
At the moment I'm using zip with a list of parameter names to get a dictionary:
items = dict(zip(('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), a))
foo = items.get('foo', None)
bar = items.get('bar', None)
baz = items.get('baz', None)
but it's a bit long-winded.
From the linked question, this works:
foo, bar, baz == (list(a) + [None]*3)[:3]