I am trying to reshape the following data.table to like a contingency table(not exactly because I don't want to get frequency as value, I just want 0 or 1):
990081899A CC2
990081899A CC115
990081899A CC39
990081899A CC39
990081899A CC115
990002362D CC2
990002362D CC115
990002362D CC115
990002362D CC115
990002362D CC6
990042716D CC2
I tried 2 things as follows but getting the same result:
Contingency<-with(Df, table(ID,CC))
Diag6<- cbind(ID = rownames(Contingency), apply(Contingency, 2 , as.character))
I added the value column in the data like Value = 1: Df:
ID CC Value
990081899A CC2 1
990081899A CC115 1
990081899A CC39 1
990081899A CC39 1
990081899A CC115 1
990002362D CC2 1
990002362D CC115 1
990002362D CC115 1
990002362D CC115 1
990002362D CC6 1
990042716D CC2 1
and Tried:
Df<- data.table(dcast(Df,ID~CC,value.var="Value"),key="ID")
Both results are same:
ID CC115 CC2 CC39 CC6
990081899A 2 1 2 0
990002362D 3 1 0 1
Here I don't want the frequency, I just want if it is present the value should be one otherwise 0:
ID CC115 CC2 CC39 CC6
990081899A 1 1 1 0
990002362D 1 1 0 1
Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
Simply using table(DF)
will give you your layout.
Then you can convert all positive values to 1
using sign
ID CC115 CC2 CC39 CC6
990002362D 1 1 0 1
990042716D 0 1 0 0
990081899A 1 1 1 0