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Is it better for decision-making logic to live inside the class that acts on the decision or in a separate class?

Take a simplified situation: I've got a class whose job it is to create certain files at a given path (let's call it FileCreator). The files only need to be created, however, if they don't already exist at said path.

Is it better for FileCreator to check whether the files exist at the path and then create them if they don't, or do I create a second class that's responsible for checking (FileChecker) and let FileCreator purely do the creating (without any regard for whether they actually exist or not)?

Situation 1: Decision logic sits in class dependent on decision

class FileCreator
  def initialize(path)
    @path = path

  def create_files
    unless files_exists?(path)
      #create files at path

  def files_exists?(path)
     #check if files exist at path

file_creator ='/foo')

Situation 2: Decision logic sits in own class

class FileChecker
  def initialize(path)
    @path = path

  def files_exists?(path)
     #check if files exist at path

class FileCreator
  def initialize(path)
    @path = path

  def create_files
    #create files at path

file_checker ='/foo')
file_creator ='/foo')
file_creator.create_files unless file_checker.files_exists?

The first scenario is more convenient, but I imagine that the second scenario is more flexible (in the sense that I now know exactly which class is responsible for exactly what, so I can easily juggle them around).

I'm quite new to programming, so any external references to thoughts or patterns on this particular question will be appreciated (also, not sure that this question is tagged correctly).


  • I would keep as simple as possible (but no simpler ;-)

    In your deliberately simplified example I would have a single class, the Check functionality is closely related to the Create functionality so there a degree of cohesiveness, so we can argue that this code belongs together.

    I'd be motivated to refactor the code into separate classes under some conditions. Before explaining some such conditions, note the thought process: I know I can refactor should I need to, and indeed I can probably do so without perturbing any users of the Create functionality; the design has some intrinsic flexibility, we're just thinking about rearranging the internals of the Create implementation.

    Some possible reasons to refactors into two classes:

    1. The checks we need to do might become more complex - eg. check for permissions, for space ... - we might want run-time selectivity of the checks, feels like a hierarchy of Check classes might be emerging, time to refactor.
    2. We need to reuse the check in another context, in some other class.
    3. The check code becomes complex in its own right, we need to refactor it's code so we can understand it, we grow lots of implementation functions specifically for Check. At this point our Create class becomes cluttered, time to refactor.
    4. As complexity increases we see the need for separate testing of Check, so it has become a first-class Class - needs documenting and controlling in its own right.