I'm trying to add a new Apple ID Account to XCode 4.6.3.
The instructions are to open the preferences dialog and click the Accounts tab.
But there is no such tab in my XCode.
What do I do now?
My recommendation upgrade to xcode 5
as of tomorrow (1st of February 2014) all apps built and submitted to the app store must be done using at least xcode 5
this was announced by Apple on December 17, 2013 here https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=12172013a
Starting February 1, new apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with the latest version of Xcode 5 and must be optimized for iOS 7.
Once you have upgrade all you need to do is Open the xcode 5 IDE
>> Preferences...
>> Accounts
tab >> On the left hand side you will see Apple IDs
and a +
at the bottom select the +
>> Add Apple ID...
>> enter your Apple ID
and Password
click Add
. The account should know be added.