How to get SMO object (e.g Table) from sql server object_id?
I see that it is possible to pop up SMO object by URN (Server.GetSmoObject method). But then I got another question: how to convert object_id to URN?
I assume here that you are using C#, and with that your server variable is already connected etc.
If you know what object you are looking for (in the example a Table), try this.
Hope it helps
Here is another way. It creates a Datatable which have 4 columns. ObjectsType, Schema, Name and Urn
DataTable table = server.Databases["DBName"].EnumObjects();
foreach (DataRow item in table.Rows)
if(item[2].ToString() == "Companies" && item[0].ToString() == "Table")
But if you want to create a Urn in SQL Code you can do something like
Select '"Server[@Name=''' + @@SERVERNAME + ''']/Database[@Name=''' + DB_Name() + '''/Table[@Name=''' + OBJECT_NAME(117575457) + ''']"'