I have obtained the frame_count of a saved video.
self.frame_count = self.capture.get(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) - 1
Now, I want to start a frame read from a particular frame_count. How do I do this?
Reason: I need to track an object and I have found the location of the object I want to track using HSV image segmentation. Now to track it, I intend to start the video from that particular frame and set the track window to the objects' coordinates.
Want: It should not be redundant and computationally intensive.
Try the following:
f = # put here the frame from which you want to start
self.capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, f)
while f < self.frame_count:
retval, image = self.capture.read()
f += 1