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How to call custom query URL using Restangular?

I want to call URL with special charecters in query parameter using Restangular customGET method. I am using Loopback for my API, which uses square brackets for query. It seems it's not allowed in Restangular.

I want to call following URL.


or this but not sure how.


I tried following with no success.

Restangular.all("employees").customGET("findOne", {filter + "%5Bwhere%5D%5BsalesCode%5D": newValue});


Restangular.all("employees").customGET("findOne", {filter[where][salesCode]: newValue});

As a work around I am using $http but a hack is a hack end of the day.


  • You should do:

    Restangular.all("employees").customGET("findOne", {"filter[where][salesCode]": newValue});

    That should do it :).