Search code examples

AngularJS orderBy Function With No Sorting

I am attempting to use a custom orderBy function. Initially, I want the data to appear in the order it was added to $scope.rows, and only after clicking on a column heading should it order by a specific property. Here's my fiddle:

Here's my view:

<table ng-app ng-controller="ctrl">
        <th><a ng-click="orderBy = 'id'">ID</a></th>
        <th><a ng-click="orderBy = 'name'">Name</a></th>
    <tr ng-repeat="row in rows | orderBy:mySort">

Here's my controller:

function ctrl($scope)
    // Initially, we don't sort by anything
    $scope.orderBy = "";
    $scope.rows = [];

    // Add some rows
    for(var i = 10;i < 30;i++)
        $scope.rows.push({settings: {foo: true}, object: {id: i, name: "Name " + i}})   

    $scope.mySort = function(row)
        if($scope.orderBy != "")
            return row.object[$scope.orderBy];

        // What do I return here??
        return "";

In the case that $scope.orderBy isn't set and I want to return $scope.rows in it's original order, what do I return in $scope.mySort? I cannot return because the rows are not guaranteed to be added in order of their ID. Running my code as is on Chrome 32, the first row that appears has an ID of 20, which is the halfway row.


  • I think you have to write your own sortby function. The original angulars orderBy is a regular filter that returns the sorted array. Your filter may look something like this:

    .filter('mySort', function(){
        return function(values, param){
                return values;
                 // very important! create a copy of the array - otherwise 
                 // the $wtachCollection function will fire to often!
                 var arrayCopy = [];
                 for ( var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { arrayCopy.push(values[i]); }
                return arrayCopy.sort(function(a,b){
                    var v1 = a.object[param];
                    var v2 = b.object[param];
                    // you know best how to sort it!
                    if (v1 === v2) return 0;
                    return v1 < v2 ? -1 : 1;

    You can use this filter in this way:

    <table ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="ctrl">
            <th><a ng-click="orderBy = 'id'">ID</a></th>
            <th><a ng-click="orderBy = 'name'">Name</a></th>
        <tr ng-repeat="row in rows | mySort:orderBy">

    here is your modified fiddle: I have changed the names a little bit so you may see that the sorting works.