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Left recursion in LR(1) parsers

Can a LR(1) parser parse a grammar of this type?

S -> SA  | A
A -> aSb | ab

I'm trying to write a Java program that implements this type of parser, but I only get the right results on a grammars without left recursion.


  • LR(1) parsers can handle some types of left recursion, though not all left-recursive grammars are LR(1).

    Let's see if your particular grammar is LR(1). Augmenting the grammar gives

    S' → S

    S → SA | A

    A → aSb | ab

    Our configurating sets are therefore

     S' -> .S    [$]     (Go to 2)
     S  -> .SA   [$a]    (Go to 2)
     S  -> .A    [$a]    (Go to 3)
     A  -> .aSb  [$a]    (Shift on a and go to 4)
     A  -> .ab   [$a]    (Shift on a and go to 4)
     S' -> S.    [$]     (Accept on $)
     S  -> S.A   [$a]    (Go to 3)
     A  -> .aSb  [$a]    (Shift on a and go to 4)
     A  -> .ab   [$a]    (Shift on a and go to 4)
     S  -> A.    [$a]    (reduce on $ or a)
     A  -> a.Sb  [$a]    (Go to 6)
     A  -> a.b   [$a]    (Shift on b and go to 10)
     S  -> .SA   [ab]    (Go to 11)
     S  -> .A    [ab]    (Go to 12)
     A  -> .aSb  [ab]    (Shift on a and go to 8)
     A  -> .ab   [ab]    (Shift on a and go to 8)
     A  -> ab.   [$a]    (Reduce on a or $)
     A  -> aS.b  [$a]    (Shift on b and go to 7)
     S  -> S.A   [ab]    (Go to 13)
     A  -> .aSb  [ab]    (Shift on a and go to 8)
     A  -> .ab   [ab]    (Shift on a and go to 8)
     A  -> aSb.  [$a]    (Reduce on a or $)
     A  -> a.Sb  [ab]    (Go to 14)
     A  -> a.b   [ab]    (Shift on b and go to 16)
     S  -> .SA   [ab]    (Go to 11)
     S  -> .A    [ab]    (Go to 12)
     A  -> .aSb  [ab]    (Shift on a and go to 8)
     A  -> .ab   [ab]    (Shift on a and go to 8)
     S  -> SA.   [$a]    (Reduce on a or $)
     A  -> ab.   [$a]    (Reduce on a or b)
     S  -> S.A   [ab]    (Go to 13)
     A  -> .aSb  [ab]    (Shift on a and go to 8)
     A  -> .ab   [ab]    (Shift on a and go to 8)
     S  -> A.    [ab]    (Reduce on a or b)
     S  -> SA.   [ab]    (Reduce on a or b)
     A  -> aS.b  [ab]    (Shift on b and go to 15)
     S  -> S.A   [ab]    (Go to 13)
     A  -> .aSb  [ab]    (Shift on a and go to 8)
     A  -> .ab   [ab]    (Shift on a and go to 8)   
     A  -> aSb.  [ab]    (Reduce on a or b)
     A  -> ab.   [ab]    (Reduce on a or b)

    There are no shift/reduce or reduce/reduce conflicts in this grammar, and so it should be LR(1) (unless I made a mistake somewhere!)

    Hope this helps!