I have a C# MVC5 website on Azure in which I'm trying to add a variety of identity providers (e.g. Google, Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft).
Having followed a simple guide on the asp.net site on adding Microsoft Live as an authentication option, I'm finding that when I try to authenticate with a Live account, I'm always bounced to my login page. My site users should instead be directed to the "Register" (MYSITE.azurewebsites.net/Account/Register) page upon first successful authentication from a new provider, or to the home page as an authenticated user if previously registered. However, I seem to always be sent to the login page.
I'm not encountering any authentication errors from the Live provider - username and password are being accepted and the provider does seem to be redirecting as if an authentication was successful.
I haven't encountered this problem when integrating with Facebook, Google or Twitter.
In the Live Connect Developer Center, where my authentication app is configured, I'm required to provide a "redirect domain":
You only need to enter the domain, for example http://www.contoso.com
For this I've entered the URL for my Azure site http://MYSITE.azurewebsites.net The field doesn't appear to acknowledge any routes such as /Account/Something/ on the end of the URL, but I'm not clear that it should need to.
Does anyone know if I require some additional configuration in my site to work with Microsoft Live or is there some restriction on using the Live provider on free Azure sites?
I've fixed this. Unfortunately it transpired that I was missing a preceding hyphen character from my clientSecret which I had specified in my StartUp.Auth.cs
I'm surprised an error wasn't thrown to say that the client secret was invalid, as I was going on the assumption that any incorrect clientId or clientSecret values would have rejected my request when clicking the 'login with Microsoft' button.