I am writing a c# agent to pull data out of Excel workbooks stored in Livelink
but I am unable to download the files.
webClient = new WebClient();
webClient.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
webClient.DownloadFile(strFileLocation, TEMP_FILE_LOC);
This is the code I am using to save the file. strFileLocation is a link generated using the make link utility in Livelink and it is a http link
Here is the code
I get an excel document that has a progress bar that says "Please wait a moment while Livelink is loading..."
this looks, to me, like the page that redirects the request in order to get the actual file.
I appears to use a double hop in order to direct you to the file on the Livelink server via the URL it gives you, but I do not know what webservice it calls, examining the response headers gives no clues.
Does anyone know how to correctly access a file on a Livelink sever?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Thankyou for your answers but after contacting my companies livelink department, I found that I need to access this service on a seprate port to allow the correct type of authentication