I am trying to add a journal entry. But it returns like an error
Uncaught IdsException: [0]: 2014-01-29 08:13:07 - D:\DummyApps\v3-php-sdk-2.0.1\v3-php-sdk-2.0.1\DataService\DataService.php - 341 - CheckNullResponseAndThrowException -
Response Null or Empty thrown in D:\DummyApps\v3-php-sdk-2.0.1\v3-php-sdk-2.0.1\Core\CoreHelper.php on line 95'
I am using QuickBooks PHP SDK. My code is below:
// Prep Data Services
$dataService = new DataService($serviceContext);
if (!$dataService)
exit("Problem while initializing DataService.\n");
$linedet = new IPPJournalEntryLineDetail();
$linedet->PostingType = 'Credit';
$linedet->AccountRef = 9;
$line = new IPPLine();
$line->Id = 0;
$line->Description = 'test journal';
$line->Amount = 2.00;
$line->DetailType= 'test ';
$line->JournalEntryLineDetail = $linedet;
$linedet2 = new IPPJournalEntryLineDetail();
$linedet2->PostingType = 'Debit';
$linedet2->AccountRef = 9;
$line2 = new IPPLine();
$line2->Id = 1;
$line2->Description = 'test journal';
$line2->Amount = 2.00;
$line2->DetailType= 'test ';
$line2->JournalEntryLineDetail = $linedet2;
// Add a journal
$journalObj = new IPPJournalEntry();
$journalObj->SyncToken = '1';
$journalObj->DocNumber = '1';
$journalObj->TxnDate = '2014-12-30';
$journalObj->RefNumber = 't123';
$journalObj->PrivateNote = 'Just testing';
$journalObj->Line = array($line, $line2);
$journalObj->Adjustment = TRUE;
$journalObj->IsAdjustment = TRUE;
$resultingObj = $dataService->Add($journalObj );
Please help me....I am stuck here.
Thanks in Advance
I found the error here.
The 'DetailType' in the line object must have 'JournalEntryLineDetail'