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Understanding a piece of Perl code

I have never done perl programming but I am looking at following Perl code and it confused me:

sub read_pds
   my $bin_s;
   my $input_pds_file = $_[0];
  open(my $fh, '<', $input_pds_file) or die "cannot open file $input_pds_file";
    local $/;
    $bin_s = <$fh>;
  return $bin_s;

I am looking at the code above and though that it will not return any value since there is no return type defined there.

But at the bottom it is returning a value. Now How would I know what is the type of the value since it does not show any value when I add watch on it using Komodo..

Any ideas?


  • Get first argument passed to function call:

    my $input_pds_file = $_[0];

    Open file to read:

    open(my $fh, '<', $input_pds_file) or die "cannot open file $input_pds_file";

    Sets input record separator to none (default is new line sequence: CR or LF or CRLF):

    local $/;

    And read whole file to variable:

    $bin_s = <$fh>;

    Why read whole file at once? Because "diamond operator": <> read data from handle until find input record separator (which is cleared above).

    And finally, returns one big string:

    return $bin_s;