I'm trying to create a Solr collection in ColdFusion 9. I have never used Solr before, but I am following the directions in Forta's Web Application Construction Kit.
Every time I go to create the collection, I get the following error:
Unable to create collection usaf.
Unable to create Solr collection usaf.
An error occurred while creating the collection: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException. Check the Solr logs for more detail.
Anyone have a clue what's wrong? I have read that the update to CF 9.0.1 causes some issues with Solr -- I tried installing that update and it failed several times. Could that be the problem?
If so, how to solve it? This is on a production Windows Server 2008 and a previous attempt to uninstall and reinstall forced us to restore the server from an image because it was such a disaster.
I know this is a bit old but here is what I did to fix the same problem. Solr service in CF Administrator wasnt showing the core collection and it wouldnt let me create a new collection (as per above).
Using Win7, CF9.0.1
Stopped the Search service and the Solr service via the windows service manager.
Edited the file ColdFusion9\solr\multicore\solr.xml and removed the entries for the collections I was working on at the time it all stopped working. This is the step that seems to have made the difference. Backup the file first!!!
For the entries I removed from solr.xml I also removed the collection folders and files completely from the file system using windows file manager.
Restarted the Search service and Solr service. Core collection now appears in CF Administrator. My CF pages now create and index collections as they should. Phew!
Cheers, Murray