I used phpass to hash my password on Insert as follows
public function addAdmin(){
$psw = 'admin1234';
$hashed = $this->phpass->hash($psw);
$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$data = array(
'userid' => 'admin_user' ,
'userfname' => 'Admin' ,
'userlname' => 'Admin',
'userdname' => 'Admin' ,
'useraddress' => '20/72,Vidarshana Mawatha, Galawilawatta, Homagama' ,
'usercountry' => 'Sri Lanka',
'usercontactno' => '0112-892199' ,
'userlastlog' => $now ,
'userpassword' => $hashed ,
'userpermission' => '1',
'useremail' => '[email protected]'
$this->db->insert('ecom-user', $data);
echo "Successfully Added!";
But when I input the same userid & password (Correct UserID and Password) at the Login where it validate by matching them with the stored ones, it returns '0' for the following where I expcted '1'
public function validateLogin($userid,$userpass){
$hashed = $this->phpass->hash($userpass);
$this->db->where('userid', $userid);
$this->db->where('userpassword', $hashed);
$result = $this->db->get();
echo $this->db->last_query();
echo '<br/>'.$result->num_rows();
Please some one help me to solve this
Better have a look here , meanwhile, trim all input fields you've got for login and registering new users!