I have a QTableView
in which I am displaying a custom model. I would like to catch right mouse clicks so that I can open a contextual drop down menu on the underlying table data:
QTableView * itsView = new QTableView;
... //Add other widgets and display them all
bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject * watched, QEvent * event)
if(event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
printf("MouseButtonPress event!\n");
else if(event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress)
printf("KeyPress event!\n");
Strangely, I get all of the KeyPress events properly: when I have a cell highlighted and press a key, I get the "KeyPress event!" message. However, I only get the "MouseButtonPress event!" message when I'm clicking on the very thin border surrounding the entire table.
It's because the Tableview is this thin border... If you want to access the widget's content, you should instead install your eventFilter on the Tableview's viewport !
I therefore propose :
QTableView * itsView = new QTableView;
Try this, it should fix your problem !
Hope it helps !