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OpenCv facedetection sample getting stuck without any error or log

I am trying to execute facedetect sample of Opencv-2.4.7 on linux environment. But it get stuck without giving any error , warning or log. The strange thing happening is if I try to debug the process using strace then the execution completes with correct output.

I am compiling the facedetect.cpp using following command:

gcc -o facedetect facedetect.cpp -L/usr/local/opencv-2.4.7/lib -I/usr/local/opencv-2.4.7/include -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui

and executing it by command as follows:

/usr/local/opencv-2.4.7/facedetect --cascade="/usr/local/opencv-2.4.7/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" image.jpeg

Any suggestion will be helpful!!


  • It was due to waitkey function call which doesnot respond. Following link can be used for resolving this purpose:

    Opencv python. WaitKey don't respond?

    Although in my case it works fine even if I comment the waitkey function call.