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Using sqlcmd with FOR XML returns Invalid Object name 'dbo.Table' yet Query runs in SSMS

This is my query:

SELECT title1, 
    [precinct percent] AS [PrecinctPercent], 
    [leader percent] AS [LeaderPercent], 
    [leader2 percent] AS [Leader2Percent], 
    FROM [leader].dbo.[RACE]  r inner join
     (select rc.[race number],
             max(case when seqnum = 1 then [candidate num] end) as Winner,
             max(case when seqnum = 1 then Votes end) as WinningVotes,
             max(case when seqnum = 2 then [candidate num] end) as Loser,
             max(case when seqnum = 2 then Votes end) as LosingVotes
      from (select rc.*,
                   row_number() over (partition by rc.[race number] order by votes desc) as seqnum
            from [leader].dbo.[RACE CANDIDATES] rc
           ) rc
      group by rc.[race number]
     ) rc
     on r.[race number] = rc.[race number]
     FOR XML PATH ('WQAD'), ROOT('root')

This query runs and produces some results I desire. I am trying to get the XML file to output as a file. I have been able to accomplish this by opening the xml in Server Management Studio, then running a VB Script to remane the temporary xml file, then move that xml to it's destination. Hey...I gotta do what I gotta do to get these results ON AIR.

Through my travels I have tried to accomlish this using sqlcmd. here is what I am trying to run:

sqlcmd -S WQAD-SEVE\SQLEXPRESS -i C:\Users\localtv\Desktop\QUERIES\THISONE22 .sql -o C:\Users\localtv\Desktop\RESULTS236.xml

It executes, but when I open/edit the XML file it outputs, I get:

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Server WQAD-SEVE\SQLEXPRESS, Line 1 Invalid object name 'dbo.RACE'.

I have tried inserting [database].dbo.RACE, but still run into the same issue. I have been working on this for weeks now and am trying to figure out a way to get this to work.

Also, when I try to run the command without the -o output destination, the command line echos the same error message. From the look of my query, it makes it through quite a bit before it encounter dbo.RACE.

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance for your valued assistance.

***I have removed the [databasename] and .dbo. as well, still Shows RACE as an invalid object.


  • As you've discovered and I confirmed, that you need to specify the -d MyDatabaseName option.

    Otherwise, you'll get the invalid object name "Table" error as soon as you use FOR XML PATH, even if you add the database name in your script FROM clause (viz. even FROM Database.dbo.Table won't circumvent the need for -d with FOR XML AUTO). Bizarre.

    Re: it does not kick out a properly formatted xml file:

    You need to add the :XML ON as the first line in your input (-i) file to sqlcmd:

    :XML ON
    SELECT title1,