Is it possible to add text into ColumnHeader of the RowHeader. I put autoincrement into Rowheaders of my DataGridView and I would like to put "No." above that.
Something like:
//Autoincrement RowHeaders
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in myDGV.Rows)
row.HeaderCell.Value = String.Format("{0}", row.Index + 1);
No. | myColumn 1 | myColumn 2
1 | myText | myText
2 | myText | myText
//the "No." column are actually RowHeaders
So basically you need to display "No." in top left corner?
That area is called TopLeftHeaderCell
. It is just like the other DataGridViewCell
, you can set its Value
property to achieve the task.
dataGridView.TopLeftHeaderCell.Value = "No.";