I have a problem with converting a standard SQL join into the old Oracle join syntax (please don't ask me why I need that). I would expect the same result, anyway, it is not:
Sample Data:
create table testing (
aid number(8),
bid number(8),
btext varchar(80));
insert into testing values (100,1,'text1a');
insert into testing values (100,2,'text1b');
insert into testing values (100,3,'text1c');
insert into testing values (200,19,'text2b');
insert into testing values (200,18,'text2a');
insert into testing values (300,4324,'text3a');
insert into testing values (500,80,'text4a');
insert into testing values (50,2000,'text5a');
Standard SQL:
select a.*,b.* from testing a
left outer join testing b
on (a.aid = b.aid and a.bid < b.bid)
order by a.aid, b.bid;
50 200 text5a NULL NULL NULL
100 1 text1a 100 2 text1b
100 2 text1b 100 3 text1c
100 1 text1a 100 3 text1c
100 3 text1c NULL NULL NULL
200 18 text2a 200 19 text2b
200 19 text2b NULL NULL NULL
300 432 text3a NULL NULL NULL
500 80 text4a NULL NULL NULL
Oracle SQL:
select a.*,b.* from testing a, testing b
where a.aid = b.aid(+)
and a.bid < b.bid
order by a.aid, b.bid;
100 1 text1a 100 2 text1b
100 2 text1b 100 3 text1c
100 1 text1a 100 3 text1c
200 18 text2a 200 19 text2b
How to get the same result of the standart SQL using Oracle's legacy syntax?
Your Oracle-style statement needs the (+) operator also on the less-than condition, since that is also part of your join criteria in the standard-SQL version.
select a.*,b.* from testing a, testing b
where a.aid = b.aid(+)
and a.bid < b.bid(+)
order by a.aid, b.bid;