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yeoman generator font awesome

I created a mobile application with the yeoman mobile-generator.
Now I want to add font awesome. I tried this, but not really works in the compiling process. A small advice or experience would be great

Okay, it's really a bit unclear. Sorry.
The compiling process works, but console says 404 not founds for the fonts.
It's not really clear to me how is a good way to do this. Creating the CSS from the scss files, implemeted the .min.css in the index.html with "<-- build: ... -->" or something else?!

When I add this in my main .scss file the the fonts would not be found.

$fontAwesomePath: "../bower_components/font-awesome/fonts";
@import '../bower_components/font-awesome/scss/font-awesome.scss';

Grunt copies and renames the font files f.e. to:



  • Ok,
    seems I could fixed this with the help of this answer.
    Installed font awesome with bower:

    bower install --save font-awesome

    Then simply this line in the index.html fixed my problem.

    <!-- build:css styles/vendor/fontawesome.css -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css">
    <!-- endbuild -->

    Thanks @OddEssay and @bpaul for our help!!