I have this class definition:
class foo{
foo(const int& var);
foo(const foo& var);
const foo operator +(const foo& secondOp) const;
int a;
//plus other values, pointers, e.t.c.
Also I have made this implementation for '+' operator overloading:
const foo foo::operator +(const foo& secondOp) const{
//I want here to check if i have one operand or two...
if ((FIRST_OPERAND.a!=0) && (secondOp.a==0)){
cout << "ERROR, second operand is zero";
else if ((FIRST_OPERAND.a==0) && (secondOp.a!=0)){
cout << "ERROR, first operand is zero";
return secondOp;
When i write in main()
foo a(2);
foo b;
foo c;
//I want here to print the ERROR and
//return only the values of a
c = a + b;
the value of the first operand if the second operand is zero and vice versa?You're almost there. Since it's a member function, the first operand is *this
, so replace FIRST_OPERAND.a
with this->a
or just a
However, it might be better to make it a non-member function to allow conversions on both operands (i.e. to be able to write a + 2
or 2 + a
). It will need to be a friend in order to access the private member(s).
friend foo operator +(const foo& firstOp, const foo& secondOp);
Also, it's best not to return a const
value as that prevents moving from the return value.