I have a list of elements, for example L = [A, B, C]
. Each element has an associated score for example S = [5, 1, 4]
I want to select an element from L according to its score in S, simply by generating a sort of cumulative probability distribution, where each element L[i]
corresponds to an interval in (0,1]
proportional to S[i]
. Then, a random number drawn in (0,1] maps to the selected element.
For the example given before, we can have the scores of S
represented as probabilities by normalizing on 5+1+4
so we get SS = [0.5, 0.1, 0.4]
, and we map the elements of L
to intervals, such that:
B is mapped to (0, 0.1]
C is mapped to (0.1, 0.1+0.4]
A is mapped to (0.1+0.4, 0.5+0.5]
Now if I generate a random number r
in (0,1] (e.g. r = random.random()
), it will map to the corresponding element. For example if r = 0.03
we know that the element is B. And for instance, if r = 0.73
we know that the element is A ...
Is there a simple way in python to do this mapping between an element and an interval ?
I know that I can use numpy.cumsum
to generate the cumulative sum of SS, but how to map elements to intervals obtained from this cumulative sum ?
Assuming I understand you correctly, I would recommend a dict
def branchFinder(L, S, r):
S, L = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(S, L))))
SS = [0.] + map(lambda x: x/10., S)
probs = {}
for i in range(len(L)):
probs[L[i]] = (sum(SS[:i+1]), SS[i+1] + sum(SS[:i+1]))
for key, value in probs.iteritems():
if value[0] < r <= value[1]:
return key