I can't seem to run Cucumber tests on views that include strings governed by Settingslogic.
Scenario: Login as an existing user from homepage
Given a user exists
And I am on the home page
can't convert nil into Hash (ActionView::TemplateError)
On line #4 of app/views/home/index.html.haml
1: #greeting
2: #lady= image_tag 'svg/lady.svg'
3: %h1= image_tag 'logo.png'
4: %p= "#{Settings.website.name} is still under development."
How can I add Settingslogic to my test environment so this will pass?
I've tried:
config.gem 'settingslogic', :lib => false
config.gem 'settingslogic', :lib => false
require 'settingslogic'
In your app/config/application.yml
do you have a cucumber section? If not, add this:
<<: *defaults