How can I add additional parameters to web api route? I want to add one parameter to default route and support versioning my api, sth like this: api/{version}/{controller}/{action}/{id}
I know that {controller} is mapped automatically with controller name and {action}
metho name, but what or how could to {version}
p.s. yeah, sound very weird question, but...
In your WebApiConfig.cs , you need to have -
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{version}/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { version = 1, id = RouteParameter.Optional }
And when you execute the values controler getjson action -
public string GetJson(string id)
return "me";
You get following output -
If you want to version your WebAPI endpoints, then use this namespaces approach. Alternatively, you can also use Http header approach. Or else simply route approach.