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Fading pages in web application developer c#

I read many posts about how to add the function of fading page but I have some problems. It is not clear to me the code to type in the jquery.js and hot to connect this script page to all my web forms of alternatively to the master page to which all my web forms are connected.

Anyone can help?

Thank you in advance !


  • Based on your comments, this question is far beyond the scope of a StackOverflow question (which focus on a single programming problem or issue) - you will find that time spent learning about JavaScript (a client side programming language) and jQuery (a JavaScript framework which provides a simple single API to abstract away from differences in browser implementations and makes it easier to work with elements in web pages) is extremely well spent, and really a pre-cursor to what you are trying to achieve. Obviously you will not need to become an expert before you can work with it, but you will need to spend a couple of hours on the basics.

    In essence, what you will need to do is download (either via NuGet or from the jQuery website) a copy of the jQuery library, add this to your page or MasterPage, and then either create an inline script or add a script file (after you have added jQuery) that uses it to achieve the effect you are after. I strongly suggest you look at the free Try jQuery course from CodeSchool, and read the articles at the jQuery Learning Centre. These should between them give you enough knowledge to do what you want to achieve.

    As an extension to this I'd suggest also taking the (again free) JavaScript Road Trip Part 1 to give you some knowledge of the absolute basics of JavaScript, and there are also some great free courses at Codecademy. These may be something you do in the slack time after you have solved your initial problem.

    Whilst you are solving your problem, there is great documentation available on the various methods and functions available within jQuery in their core API documentation area, and on JavaScript at the Mozilla Developer Network (which applies to other browsers as well as Firefox). In particular you will want to look at selecting elements, the fadeIn and fadeOut methods. At a minimum look through the introductory sections on the jQuery learning centre first though, as this will save you a lot of grief later on.