I've been trying to execute a parametrized query with ADODB.Command. I know I can use "?" for parameters, but my queries are rather large and I really don't want to track the exact order of the parameters. I tried something like the following:
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = "SELECT ... WHERE field1=@p_Field1 ...."
Dim objParam As ADODB.Parameter
Set objParam = objCmd.CreateParameter("@p_Field1" ...)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objParam
It works for stored procedure parameters (setting CommandType = adCmdStoredProc, obviously), but I can't do this inside a Stored Procedure because of the dynamic nature of the query itself. When I try to run the query, I get the error:
Must declare the scalar variable "@p_Field1"
Is there any other way around this that doesn't involve using stored procedures or (argh) concatenating the parameters values in the query itself and not use parameters at all?
You can do this, to allow you to reuse parameters
objCmd.CommandText = "declare @var1 int, @var2 int, @var3 int; " & _
"select @var1 = ?, @var2 = ?, @var3 = ?;" & _
"select ... where field1 = @var1 or field4 = @var1 or field2 = @var2 ... "
and add the parameters in the normal ordered manner.