How can I get content from the second <p>
tag inside a div with ID mydiv
using DOMDocument?
For example, my HTML might look like:
<div class='mydiv'>
<p><img src='xx.jpg'></p>
<p>i need here</p>
<p>lorem ipsum lorem ipsum</p>
I'm trying to extract the following text:
i need here
How can I do it?
Getting the contents from nth <p>
Use DOMDocument::getElementsByTagName()
to get all the <p>
tags, and use item()
to retrieve the node value of the second tag from the returned DOMNodeList
$index = 2;
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$tags = $dom->getElementsByTagName('p');
echo $tags->item(($index-1))->nodeValue; // to-do: check if that index exists
Getting the contents from nth<p>
tag inside a div with given ID
If you want to retrieve the node value of a <p>
tag inside a specific ID, then you can use an XPath expression instead of getElementsByTagName()
$index = 2;
$id = 'mydiv'
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$tags = $xpath->query(
sprintf('//div[@id="%s"]/p', $id)