I created a portlet with workflow on liferay portal CE 6.2.0 and added single approver workflow to it after deployment. It works successfully and i can view notification, assign to someone and approve it or reject. But when I click on view button it says "asset not found"
I couldn't figure out what I missed. I have the following in my code.
In LocalServiceImpl
assetEntryLocalService.updateEntry(userId, timesheet.getGroupId(),
date, date, Timesheet.class.getName(),
timesheet.getPrimaryKey(), timesheet.getUuid(), 0,
serviceContext.getAssetTagNames(), true, null, null, null,
null, ContentTypes.TEXT_HTML, timesheet.getProject(),
timesheet.getTaskType(), timesheet.getProject() + " : "
+ timesheet.getTaskType(), null, 0, 0, 0, false);
In AssetRenderer
public String render(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response,
String template) throws Exception {
if (template.equals("full_content")) {
request.setAttribute("TIMESHEET_ENTRY", _timesheet);
return "/html/" + template + ".jsp";
} else {
return null;
In AssetRendererFactory
public AssetRenderer getAssetRenderer(long classPK, int type)
throws PortalException, SystemException {
Timesheet timesheet = TimesheetLocalServiceUtil.getTimesheet(classPK);
return new TimesheetAssetRenderer(timesheet);
Is there anything wrong in what I am doing?
I had added the following in my portlet.xml
Is it some other function that i need to override?
I found that the error is thrown from liferay-portal / portal-web / docroot / html / portlet / asset_publisher / view_content.jsp at the below given code point
if (!assetEntry.isVisible() &&
(assetRenderer.getAssetRendererType() == AssetRendererFactory.TYPE_LATEST_APPROVED)) {
throw new NoSuchModelException();
Here I could find that even if I set visible to true in my updateEntry method call, it is being set to false. I dont know what to do for this. Where is the problem happening?
(porting my comment as an Answer:)
AssetEntry belongs to the Liferay's architecture that uses the Service builder ORM implementation. If you open the Liferay source and search for any [SOME_MODEL_CLASS]LocalServiceImpl Class, you can see the update-type functions are following this pattern:
SOME_MODEL_CLASS obj = sOME_MODEL_CLASSPersistence.findByPrimaryKey(longId);
sOME_MODEL_CLASSPersistence.update(obj, false);
Notice that in the end, they are calling the persistence.update, which will eventually store that change in your database.
As a rule, when updating a Liferay Object's value, make sure to call SOME_MODEL_CLASSLocalServiceUtil.update() function. For Example, in the following code, I'm trying to update a user's Facebook id:
Contact cnt = user.getContact();