I want to implement a configuration helper.
The usage will be something like this:
var companyName = ConfigHelper.Company.Name;
var redirectURL = ConfigHelper.URLs.DefaultRedirectURL;
As you can see in the above examples, I have ConfigHelper which should not require an instance, however it will consist of sub classes (Company and URLs), and here I want access to the properties (not methods).
I want this all done without any class instances required, and not sure if I should be using static / singleton.
E.g. will ConfigHelper be defined as static? Will the sub classes be defined as regular classes and will they become static properties of ConfigHelper?
Yes you're on the right track, ConfigHelper
will be a static class and the properties will just be regular classes, but those will be instances.
For example:
public class Company
public string Name { get; set; }
public static class ConfigHelper
static ConfigHelper()
Company = new Company();
public static Company Company { get; private set; }