I sometimes see this icon in Eclipse when synchronizing repositories. It usually means that there will be some trouble as it doesn't want to disappear. I think it appears when Eclipse automatically builds a project while SVN is synchronizing. What does it mean? How does it differ from a blank blue arrow?
Edit: I asked on the Eclipse forum but nobody seems either to know or to bother writing an answer. I have no idea where in the huge source code of Eclipse and the various extensions resides the code that handles showing these icons. I would therefore be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction so I can investigate further.
It's been some times since last post but I answer anyway.
the usual "white symbols" are :
The white arrow symbol means that the item has been replaced which means the file was scheduled for deletion and a new file with the same name was scheduled for addition in its place.
It corresponds to the SVN status letter R.
Hope this helps!