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error: Attribute "***" has already been defined when using two library projects in Android

I'm using android-support-v7-appcompat as a library in my Android project. Now I want to include actionbarsherlock as another library project. When I add the second library, it gives so many errors like below

android-support-v7-appcompat\res\values\attrs.xml:476: error: Attribute "attributeName" has already been defined

By changing one attribute value and it's related code snippet is a one solution that I've tried. But when there are nearly 80 lines like above, it will get a messy. Is there any other way I can solve this issue?


  • The correct way to solve this problem is by updating Android Support Libraries in all relevant projects and library projects. In my case I've used Android support library and also one of the library project to implement my application. When I update both libraries, the problem solved. The way of updating Android support library is;

    • Right click on the project
    • Select Android Tools from the pop up window
    • Select Add Support Library