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Counting Occurences & Histogram Charts in R

Imagine you have a data frame with 2 variables - Name & Age. Name is of class factor and Age number. Now imagine now there are thousands of people in this data frame. How do you:

  1. Produce a table with: NAME | COUNT(NAME) for each name uniquely?

  2. Produce a histogram where you can change the minimum number of occurrences to show up in the histogram.?

For part 2, I want to be able to test different minimum frequency values and see how the histogram comes out. Or is there a better method pragmatically to determine the minimum count for each name to enter the histogram?


Edit: Here is what the table would look like in a RDBS:


John | 10
Bill | 24
Jane | 12
Tony | 50
Emanuel| 1

What I want to be able to do is create a function to graph a histogram, where I can change a value that sets the minimum frequency to be graphed. Make more sense?


  • > x <- read.table(textConnection('
    +    Name Age Gender Presents Behaviour
    + 1    John   9   male       25   naughty
    + 2     Bill   5   male       20      nice
    + 3     Jane  4 female       30      nice
    + 4     Jane  4 female       20      naughty
    + 5     Tony   4   male       34   naughty'
    + ), header=TRUE)
    > table(x$Name)
    Bill Jane John Tony 
       1    2    1    1   
    > layout(matrix(1:4, ncol = 2))
    > plot(table(x$Name), main = "plot method for class \"table\"")
    > barplot(table(x$Name), main = "barplot")
    > tab <- as.numeric(table(x$Name))
    > names(tab) <- names(table(x$Name))
    > dotchart(tab, main = "dotchart or dotplot")
    > ## or just this
    > ## dotchart(table(dat))
    > ## and ignore the warning
    > layout(1)  

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