I'm running a bunch (~320) computational chemistry experiments and I need to pull a small amount of the data out of each of the files so that I can do some work on it in MatLab.
I'm pretty sure I can use sed to make this work, but try as I might I don't seem to be able to do so.
I need all of the data starting at the line beginning with "1 1" and ending with the line starting with "33 33".
I J FI(I,J) k(I,J) K(I,J)
1 1 -337.13279 -0.06697 -0.00430
2 2 3804.89120 8.52972 0.54787
3 3 3195.69653 6.01702 0.38648
4 4 3189.18684 5.99253 0.38490
5 5 3183.73262 5.97205 0.38359
6 6 3174.47525 5.93737 0.38136
7 7 3167.88746 5.91275 0.37978
8 8 1628.80868 1.56311 0.10040
9 9 1623.56055 1.55306 0.09975
10 10 1518.21620 1.35806 0.08723
11 11 1476.93012 1.28520 0.08255
12 12 1341.24087 1.05990 0.06808
13 13 1312.30373 1.01466 0.06517
14 14 1264.73004 0.94242 0.06053
15 15 1185.62592 0.82822 0.05320
16 16 1175.54013 0.81419 0.05230
17 17 1170.41211 0.80710 0.05184
18 18 1090.20196 0.70027 0.04498
19 19 1039.29190 0.63639 0.04088
20 20 1015.00116 0.60699 0.03899
21 21 1005.05773 0.59516 0.03823
22 22 986.55965 0.57345 0.03683
23 23 917.65537 0.49615 0.03187
24 24 842.93089 0.41863 0.02689
25 25 819.00146 0.39520 0.02538
26 26 758.39720 0.33888 0.02177
27 27 697.11173 0.28632 0.01839
28 28 628.75684 0.23292 0.01496
29 29 534.75856 0.16849 0.01082
30 30 499.35579 0.14692 0.00944
31 31 422.01320 0.10493 0.00674
32 32 409.30255 0.09870 0.00634
33 33 227.12411 0.03039 0.00195
33 2nd derivatives larger than 0.371D-04 over 561
MatLab is not a fan of text, so I'd like to not use text delimiters (though there are some in the header of this data section) and keep the data contained to only the numeric lines.
The data files contain a lot of other numbers as well, so I need to match the occurrence of "1 1" at the start of the line and "33 33" as the end of the copy. These 'indices' exist only in this block of info.
I attempted to use
% sed -n /"1 1"/,/"33 33"/p input.file > output.file
But I get a WHOLE BUNCH of data in the output file as it copies everything that shows up between any "1" and "33"
Is there any way to do what I'm looking for?
Also, I'm using the tcsh as that is what my servers run.
How about using awk
awk '$1=="1"&&$2=="1"{t=1};t;$1=="33"&&$2=="33"{t=0}' file
Recommand by @mklement0, if there is only one block, to avoid processing the remainder of the file you can update the command to:
awk '$1=="1"&&$2=="1"{t=1};t;$1=="33"&&$2=="33"{exit}' file