This is related to debugging the issue mentioned in: Plugin (vim-latex) crashing gVim on startup
After installing latex-suite, every time I open a .tex file, whether it's from gVim or terminal vim, whether it contains a \begin statement or not, Vim immediately crashes.
After repeatedly making it crash I was able to read a Python Traceback string in the status line, which mentioned line 530 in C:\Python27\lib\
(which only contains known_paths = addusersitepackages(known_paths)
), but the rest of the traceback is not viewable since the statusline display truncates it and this only appears for a moment anyway before automatically crashing.
Is there a way I could capture this Traceback output in a more permanent and complete way, along with how things go from this plugin to Python, etc.?
(I tried the -V15filename.log
option but it's (as usual) useless, containing some partial log upto an ancient point in the vim startup process.)
Edit: Apologies for not mentioning the OS previously (other than indirectly through the C:\
path), this problem is on Windows. And from the other linked question it seems like almost everyone who tries latex-suite on Windows runs into this problem.
Update: Just a FTR - setting verbosefile doesn't help (presumably because the writes are buffered per the doc), and :redir doesn't capture this either, ends with whatever operation happened before this error and crash.
OK, I put here as an answer.
This answer could be kind of work around for solving your latex plugin problem in windows vim. However if your question sticks to "getting error message before crashing" , it may not give you help. I don't have much experience with windows OS.
Latex Suite plugin uses python to generate some formatted text. It could bring better performance. However the plugin provides no-python ways for that as well, to let user without installing python runtime or with very old python version use the plugin too.
Since you mentioned that your problem was in python codes. You can try disabling python in that plugin, and test if the performance was acceptable.
The plugin provided a variable for that, you could add this line in your vimrc
let g:Tex_UsePython=0
Nice to see it helped.