I have a view controller that allows me to add a name, image, and date..the name and date are sent back to the table view controller and displayed..I then have a edit view controller that shows when a populated cell is clicked...
my save method:
-(IBAction)save:(id)sender {
NSData *imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(_imageview.image);
[self.currentPlayer setValue:imageData forkey:@"playerPic"];
[self.delegate addPlayerViewControllerDidSave];
my delegate is calling the save:&error so i wont paste that code
I believe this is working but my question is how do I have that image display on the edit view controller
my name and date information is passing but not the image
I have a UIImageView and I am attempting something like that but I understand those are two different pointer types and wont work
-(void)viewDidLoad {
firstnameTextField.text = [self.currentPlayer playerName];
editImage.image = [self.currentPlayer playerPic];
any help would be appreciated
You need to create a UIImage from your NSData object as follows:
[UIImage imageWithData:[self.currentPlayer playerPic]]