I am using the mailboxer gem to send messages within my ruby on rails app. The gem is working. I can't for the life of me figure out how to access the recipient on the sent messages page. On the sent messages page, I am trying to loop through sent messages, and access the recipient of the sent messages and display that person to the user.
On the regular inbox page, I used the following:
<% all_mail = current_user.mailbox.inbox %>
<% all_mail.each do |letter| %>
<td><%= letter.messages.last.sender.email %></td>
<td><%= letter.messages.last.subject %></td>
<% end %>
I am trying to make a similar look for the sent messages page, but I can't figure out how to do it(specifically access the email of the recipient).
I can't use:
#user wants to retrieve all his conversations
#user wants to retrieve his inbox
#user wants to retrieve his sent conversations
because there is no way to organize how the messages are displayed using those methods (at least as far as I know). How can I loop through the messages and find the message recipient for each message?
You have the participants in conversations (you call it letters).
Just filter the current user and you'll be good.
conversation = user.mailbox.sentbox.first
filtered_participants = conversation.participants.reject do |u|
u.id == current_user.id