Search code examples

Check ismember within a cell

I have a cell array (data) that looks like this (shortened here):

'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733144  NaN
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733147  NaN
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733150  NaN
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733153  NaN
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733156  NaN
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733159  NaN

I want to fill in the 5th column of NaN's depending on whether the 4th column (which are dates that has been converted using datenum) matches B.

B (also a cell) looks like this (also shortened a lot for the example to make sense):

'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733144  '3.3'
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733150  '9.5'
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733156  '6.8'

As you can see, the 4th column of dates do not advance consistently in B. I'm trying to add in NaN's to column 5 where B(:,3) and B(:, 4) do not match data(:,3) and data(:, 4).

The end product should look something like:

'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733144  '3.3'
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733147  NaN
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733150  '9.5'
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733153  NaN
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733156  '6.8'
'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733159  NaN

If data was a matrix, I would just do the following:

data_ind = ismember(data(:,3:4),B(:,3:4),'rows');

But I don't know how to do it with a cell. Would some form of cellfun do the trick?


  • It's unclear what you're doing with the third column as all of the entries are identical. Also, your question is a bit confusing as to if you want B in data or data in B. Probably the fastest and most straightforward way to do this is with a for loop:

    data = {'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733144  NaN
            '45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733147  NaN
            '45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733150  NaN
            '45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733153  NaN
            '45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733156  NaN
            '45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733159  NaN};
    B = {'45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733144  '3.3'
         '45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733150  '9.5'
         '45.203885' '-90.600123'    '119-8001'  733156  '6.8'};
    d3 = data(:,3);
    d4 = [data{:,4}].';
    for i = 1:size(B,1)
        data(strcmp(d3,B{i,3})&d4==B{i,4},5) = B(i,5);

    Don't be afraid to use for loops. You can do it with cellfun too, but it will require the use of eval.