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facebook graph api fields not returning

We've recently noticed responses changing a call to calls like:


Previously, we would get a response with the requested fields filled in, but now they are coming back with a response similar to:

  "id": "XXXXXXXXXX", 
  "adaccounts": {
    "data": [
        "account_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXX", 
        "id": "XXXXXXXXXXX"
        "account_id": "XXXXXXXXXXX", 
        "id": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"
    "paging": {
      "cursors": {
        "after": "NjAwMjIwMTIyNzM4OA==", 
        "before": "NjAwMjk2ODQ2OTc1OQ=="

Has something changes there? We've been making calls via the api directly and on the Graph API Explorer tool.

Thanks for any help!


Getting the details for adaccounts fields now requires hitting another endpoint:



  • There's no need for multiple calls, you can simply do:
