Why does the following script take so many cycles to complete?
The document it is sifting through is 20590 lines long and each line consists of the following, or a variation thereof; "10160354001 ALGIERS ALGERIA 36.70 3.60 290"
I am trying to make a database to match the first number to the last 3.
The actual program is however taking several seconds per line.
#! /usr/bin/perl
$path = shift(@ARGV);
open COORDS, $path or die "Couldn't open file\n";
my %coords = {};
foreach $line (<COORDS>){
$stat = substr $line,0,11;
@coords = grep(($_!=undef),split(/ /,substr $line,42));
print $coords['10160354001'];
$coords['10160354001'] = ...
is an assignment to an array element, and a large one at that. This statement will cause Perl to allocate an array with room for at least 10160354002 elements.
You meant to use a hash:
$coords{$stat} = "@coords";
print $coords{'10160354001'};
use strict
and use warnings
would have alerted you to this and other problems with your code.