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Want to scale int to int with integer math

I am on SDCC 2.8.0, so very limited in memory and code size. Say I have an input value that ranges between 0 and 127, I want to scale it to 20 - 100. Normally I would do:

int scale(int input, int min, int max)
 // assuming max is always greater than min
 float range = (float)max - (float)min;
 int output = min + int((range / 127.f) * (float)input);
 return output;

By calling scale(64, 20, 100); I get 60, which is exactly half way between 20 and 100.

How can this be done without using the floating point numbers? Any bitshift magic?


  • If (max-min)<(INT_MAX/127) then you can naivly multiply (max-min)*input before dividing /127
    Else, you'll have to decompose operations in order to avoid overflow and undefined behavior...

    In later case, a naive possibility would be to divide both multipliers by 127.

    A*B = (Q1*Q2*127 + Q1*R2 + Q2*R1) * 127 + R1*R2
    (A*B)/127 = Q1*Q2*127 + Q1*R2 + Q2*R1 + (R1*R2/127)

    or in C:

    unsigned int range=max-min;
    unsigned int output = min
        + (range/127)*(input/127)*127
        + (range/127)*(input%127)
        + (range%127)*(input/127)
        + (range%127)*(input%127) / 127;

    It's pretty sure that there are more efficient formulation with bit-shifting >>8, the compiler might already do it well, but maybe not so well and we might better help him:

    B= 0*128+R2 (because B<=127)
    A*B = (Q1*R2) * (127+1) + R1*R2
    (A*B)/127 = Q1*R2 + (Q1*R2 + R1*R2)/127

    and in C:
    Ahem, my intention was to divide by 128, that is >>7, and I incorrectly wrote >>8 same for remainder which should be &0x7F not &0xFF
    It's certainly better to be less obscure and just write /128 and %128 because we can trust the compiler to translate these ops into simple bit ops nowadays...

    unsigned int range=max-min;
    unsigned int high=(range / 128)*input;
    unsigned int low =(range % 128)*input;
    unsigned int output = min + high + (high+low)/127;

    For balancing the distribution a little bit better, we might apply some sort of rounding rather than truncation like this:

    unsigned int output = min + high + (high+low+63)/127;