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Find primary/dominant color of an image with canvas

I am new to node.js.

I´ve read the thread about Node.js Image Libraries and it seems that GM seems to be the most

advanced. I am trying to find out the most dominant color of an image using nodejs.

Then I have found this script color-thief , which is very interesting. It uses canvas to determine the color.

I found this node-canvas, which allows to create server side canvas.

Can I use color-thief and node-canvas together? Or am I missing something? Maybe someone has a better solution for nodejs.



  • Yep, there is a port for color-thief in node.js.

    Get the node.js friendly port here:

    Install the package like this:

    $ npm install thief

    Include color-thief in your node script like this:

    var thief=require("thief");

    And use color-thief normally! ...