I have the following I have the following settings at routing.yml:
url: /:module/collection/:collection
class: sfDoctrineRoute
options: { model: Category, type: object }
param: { module: collection, action: showcollection }
url: /collection/
param: { module: collection, action: index }
The link works correctly, however with one problem. The link is this:
frontend_dev.php/collection/showcollection/collection/{name of collection}
So it's making /module/action/module/name_of_collection. What I needed was:
frontend_dev.php/collection/showcollection/{name of collection}
It would make a lot more sense even though it works as it is now. I already looked at jobeet and other routing tutorials, however I can't figure out what's wrong.
Thanks in advance!
Heres the url_for:
'module' => 'collection',
'action' => 'showcollection',
'collection' => $collection->getName()
This is the result:
.../collection/showcollection/collection/{collection Name}
Try to change the route to:
url: /:module/:action/:collection
class: sfDoctrineRoute
options: { model: Category, type: object }
param: { module: collection, action: showcollection }
and use