I'm trying to pass multiple keys Cmd Alt P
at the same time to Dalek to test page behavior:
.sendKeys('body', '\uE03D\uE00A\u0050') // Cmd Alt P
.assert.attr('body', 'class', 'full')
And it seems doesn't work as test is failing. I'm using W3C WebDriver spec for key codes reference, but I haven't found clear description on how to send multiple keys (both in Dalek docs and spec), especially with regular, not special ones like Alt and Cmd.
The same test with just a F5
works fine, of course:
.sendKeys('body', '\uE035') // F5
.assert.attr('body', 'class', 'full')
After some test I came to the conclusion that this is related to a bug in DalekJS, could you please go over to Github and file an issue there?!