Trying to add Code Completion Hints to my own objective-c header files by checking some 3rd library headers.Looking if There is Code Completion Standarts in Xcode5 similar to VisualStudio.
I saw "//! description" (without quotas) working very well.
//! well seems working as a code completion hint
-(void)myMethod:(BOOL)myParam1 (NSString*)myParam2;
My Question 1: how can I add a linebreak ?
//! well seems working as a code completion hint
//! but this second line seems added into first description in code completion hint
-(void)myMethod:(BOOL)myParam1 (NSString*)myParam2;
My Question 2: looking for a standart similar to this
//! <method>myMethod:does something good.</method>
//! <param> (BOOL)myParam1:is first parameter </param>
//! <param> (NSString*)myParam2:is second parameter </param>
-(void)myMethod:(BOOL)myParam1 (NSString*)myParam2;
may you refer me a documentation about "//! description" (without quotas) how to ? looking some standarts about "how to code add description standarts in xcode for objective-c"
(for sharing any ideas and knowledges;thanks.)
I use javadoc format, which seems to work OK:
* Summary of method.
* A bit more detail, if you really must know stuff.
* @code
* Some sample code.
* @endcode
* @see
* @param p1 A parameter, no less.
* @param p2 Another parameter.
* @return YES if it's Wednesday, else NO.
See this article for more.