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Periodically calling a function in Clojure

I'm looking for a very simple way to call a function periodically in Clojure.

JavaScript's setInterval has the kind of API I'd like. If I reimagined it in Clojure, it'd look something like this:

(def job (set-interval my-callback 1000))

; some time later...

(clear-interval job)

For my purposes I don't mind if this creates a new thread, runs in a thread pool or something else. It's not critical that the timing is exact either. In fact, the period provided (in milliseconds) can just be a delay between the end of one call completing and the commencement of the next.


  • There's also quite a few scheduling libraries for Clojure: (from simple to very advanced)

    Straight from the examples of the github homepage of at-at:

    (use '
    (def my-pool (mk-pool))
    (let [schedule (every 1000 #(println "I am cool!") my-pool)]
      (do stuff while schedule runs)
      (stop schedule))

    Use (every 1000 #(println "I am cool!") my-pool :fixed-delay true) if you want a delay of a second between end of task and start of next, instead of between two starts.