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How to print to console from COM library summoned with Activator from .NET code?

There is COM object dll registered with regsvr32 in system which is doing some foo()

But how can I printf from it? e.g. I can't see anything if I just printf("test"); from it.

I'm getting my com object by progid

let A<'T> progid =
        ( Type.GetTypeFromProgID progid )
            :?> 'T

and call method alike


  • You can call AllocConsole first to bring up a console window in your GUI application.

    Note that if you do this, add the following lines after the AllocConsole call.

    freopen ("CONOUT$", "w", stdout );
    freopen ("CONERR$", "w", stderr );

    Also, you can redirect stdout/stderr to a file by doing this:

    C:\> myprogram.exe > out.txt 2> err.txt